Democrats advocate personal freedom but legislate economic equality. Republicans advocate economic freedom but legislate personal morality. Libertarians advocate both personal freedom and economic freedom, and so we don't fit on the one-dimensional Left/Right spectrum. We are neither liberal nor conservative, because we defend both civil liberties and free markets.
Thus Libertarians are the principled fusion of Left and Right. Libertarians trust you to make choices about your own money and your own body. Libertarians are pro-choice on everything. We are the only party that wants to legislate neither personal morality nor economic equality. We want the Republicans out of your bedroom and the Democrats out of your wallet.
Videos about libertarian politics and principles:
Who's a Libertarian?

- 44% of Americans agree when asked if they consider themselves "fiscally conservative and socially liberal, also known as libertarian".
- 21% of Americans agree that the government is trying to do too many things that should be left to individuals and businesses, and that the government should not favor any particular set of values.
- 1,100,000 Americans voted for Ron Paul in 2008 — more than double the votes he received as the 1988 Libertarian nominee.
Why Vote Libertarian?
Some people say that to vote for a third party is wasting your vote. But your one vote isn't about tipping the outcome of the election. Only 2% of congressional races are lost by incumbents, and only a handful of states are competitive in presidential elections. Your one vote is about standing up for what you believe. The only wasted vote is one that tells the incumbent parties that they can take your vote for granted.
Where Do Libertarians Stand?
Libertarians stand for practical solutions grounded in the principles of individual freedom, personal responsibility, voluntary cooperation, customer choice, and market incentives. Libertarians stand up for the Bill of Rights and for limiting the federal government to its Constitutional role of protecting liberty and justice for all — on American soil. Our Platform is a comprehensive guide to our principles:Vote Libertarian, and win a free country